Emergency Medical Services Buprenorphine Use Project

The EMS Buprenorphine Use Project (EMSBUP) supports the implementation of opioid overdose intervention and treatment in the prehospital setting by engaging emergency medical services (EMS) agencies and 911 transport providers in partnership with public health departments to provide opioid use prevention and treatment.

With State Opioid Response funds from the California Department of Health Care Services and in collaboration with the Sierra Health Foundation, this project extends Contra Costa County’s original pilot project to Local EMS Agencies (LEMSAs) in three implementation areas: the Mid-Coastal Tri-County area (Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz), San Diego County, and Inland Counties (San Bernardino, Inyo, Mono).

EMSBUP is granting $1,125,000 across five LEMSAs to implement a four-tiered response to the opioid crisis: establish a naloxone distribution program, equip EMS to administer buprenorphine, establish connections with Bridge hospitals to serve as receiving centers for 911 patients, and provide a warm handoff to navigators at receiving hospitals.

This project receives funding from the State Opioid Response (SOR) grant through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Project Leads: