Current Projects
Project Focus
Funding Source
The Center for Care Innovation’s Addiction Treatment Starts Here program includes a learning collaborative and network designed to increase access to MAT through primary care, behavioral health and community partnerships.
ATLAS is a free, easy-to-use online directory of Substance Use Disorder treatment facilities. ATLAS features evidence-based information to help individuals (and supporters of people seeking help) find the treatment they need.
The California Bridge Program is developing hospitals and emergency rooms into primary access points for the treatment of acute symptoms of Substance Use Disorder – enhancing and increasing access to 24/7 treatment in every community in the state.
The California Hub and Spoke System consists of narcotic treatment program (Hubs) and office-based treatment settings (Spokes) that provide ongoing care and treatment, aiming to increase the number of providers prescribing buprenorphine for opioid use disorder.
COPN’s mission is to build a movement to strengthen connections within communities and provide access to knowledge, training, and resources to implement solutions that save lives.
The University of California, San Francisco is expanding the current 24/7 MAT mentorship network to cover all new emergency departments, primary care, mental health, and hospital access points.
This program aims to increase access to care through expansion of MAT services and opioid and stimulant use prevention for youth and families.
The DUI MAT Integration/Outreach Project provides the framework to optimize select DUI Programs to become new and effective access points for medication-assisted and other treatment modalities for OUD and PolySUD.
EMSBUP implements a four-tiered response to the opioid crisis: establish a naloxone distribution program, equip EMS to administer buprenorphine, establish connections with Bridge hospitals to serve as receiving centers for 911 patients, and provide a warm handoff to navigators at receiving hospitals.
The Clinton Foundation’s Empowering Faith Leaders in California project addresses the opioid epidemic through a collaborative learning opportunity to empower religious leaders from diverse faith traditions to take on leadership roles in addressing substance use disorders within their communities.
FDB aims to address the opioid use disorder crises by supporting Local Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Agencies and EMS providers to provide treatment and access points for patients with an opioid use disorder.
DHCS, with assistance from The Sierra Health Foundation: Center for Health Program Management, provides funding to California’s eligible residential SUD facilities to implement, expand, and/or improve their MAT services.
This innovative project works to embody whole person care and is directly for individuals who use drugs and for expanding care and access to communities often not fully served by current health infrastructures.
The aim of this project is to support MAT start-up activities and/or enhancement efforts in settings throughout California, with the goal of increasing the number of patients with substance-use disorders treated with medications, counseling and other recovery services.
This program focuses on expanding access to at least two forms of MAT in California's jails and drug courts.
Aurrera Health Group developed a series of educational toolkits about the benefits of MAT, and assists with the collection of federally-required GPRA data for the MAT Expansion Project.
Media Solutions is leading an effort to design a statewide, multi-media campaign targeted at individuals with substance use disorder and their families, with an emphasis on making connections to treatment.
The Naloxone Distribution Project aims to reduce opioid overdose deaths through the provision of free naloxone.
The California Department of Public Health is supporting the Overdose Data Collection and Analysis Project (ODCAP), which aims to improve overall overdose surveillance, respond more rapidly to overdose spikes, and inform prevention and treatment.
The University of California, Los Angeles is providing training, consultation and mentorship for providers treating patients with opioid and stimulant use disorders.
This project educates and trains health care professionals about addiction medicine by incorporating addiction medicine and MAT curriculum into California residency programs.
This online learning hub equips California families with factual, current, actionable information and tools that may help parents keep California’s youth safe from harm and facilitate open conversations about mental health, substances, and the heightened risks associated with self-medication caused by the emergence of synthetic drugs like fentanyl in the street drug supply.
Shatterproof’s National Stigma Initiative is dedicated to changing attitudes about substance use and substance use disorder.
The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is expanding California’s behavioral health workforce, as well as all other behavioral health professions, to improve consumer access to and productive participation in behavioral health services throughout the state.
This project aims to strengthen the addiction treatment eco-systems in California counties and decrease gaps in coordination of patient transitions moving between higher and lower levels of care.
The Tribal MAT Program aims to improve MAT access for urban and tribal communities by increasing the total number of waivered prescribers certified and providing expanded MAT services that incorporate the values and culture of the communities being served.
Young People in Recovery launches chapters and life-skills curriculum programs to youth in recovery from opioid use and substance use disorders.
The campaign aims to prevent substance use and raise awareness of fentanyl contamination among youth and young adults, prevent overdose and overdose death among young adults using a harm reduction lens, and raise awareness among families and communities, empowering them to respond to the overdose epidemic with life-saving solutions and strategies.
The Youth Peer Mentor Program trains justice-involved youth to provide recovery support to peers with substance use challenges.