DHCS, with assistance from The Sierra Health Foundation: Center for Health Program Management (The Center), will be providing funding to California’s eligible residential SUD facilities to implement, expand, and/or improve their MAT services. This funding will assist with costs associated with recruitment, mentorship, training and other associated costs to increase provider knowledge and comfort with providing MAT through a collaborative learning opportunity for facilities to implement best practices.
Residential treatment facilities and the inclusion of MAT in an individual’s treatment have the ability to help those with an opioid use disorder (OUD) achieve and sustain recovery. In 2018, California’s Senate Bill (SB) 992 was approved by the Governor and chaptered into law in an effort to prevent those with an OUD receiving MAT from being denied admission to a residential treatment facility. To further boost the availability of prescribed MAT in California, the Governor approved SB 184 in 2022 which requires treatment facilities to either offer MAT directly to clients or have an effective referral process in place with narcotic treatment programs, community health centers, or other MAT providers. Through this funding opportunity, DHCS aims to break through the barriers inhibiting facilities from offering MAT.
This project receives State General Funds from the State of California.