Song for Charlie: Fentanyl Awareness and Drug Education Program

Song for Charlie, in partnership with DHCS, will provide a Fentanyl Awareness and Drug Education Program for California parents and youth. This online learning hub will equip California families with factual, current, actionable information and tools that may help parents keep California’s youth safe from harm and facilitate open conversations about mental health, substances, and the heightened risks associated with self-medication caused by the emergence of synthetic drugs like fentanyl in the street drug supply.

This project will feature a website that serves as an online resource hub with information about why teens use substances, how to talk to them about stress, anxiety, and healthy coping skills, and the most effective strategies to communicate with teens about difficult subjects. The website will also provide links to external resources, including content being developed as part of other awareness efforts funded by the State of California. Content on the website will include videos, animations, and interactive material that will be pushed out via social media to drive families to the hub to learn more.

This project receives State General Funds from the State of California.

Project Leads

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