Systems of Care

Health Management Associates (HMA) provided a learning collaborative (LC) to build local patient-centered, evidence-based, sustainable and integrated practices across treatment and recovery ecosystems by: improving access to MAT; enhancing and expanding residential treatment services; and meeting the needs of persons with co-occurring SUD and mental illness.

To accomplish its objectives, each of the three focus areas had a mentor who coordinated all activities and ensured teams had expert coaching and other resources necessary to succeed. Teams mapped all services and funding, identified gaps, and studied the most effective models and practices from around the nation that addressed equitable access to SUD care. Teams crafted local system improvement projects or enhancements that built on current collaborative efforts and improved access and outcomes in these focus areas.

Throughout the project, the mentors and project team convened six LC sessions to provide guidance on developing plans, skills, and tools to implement county or agency-specific improvement activities as well as measures to track project outcomes. Coaches met regularly with each team, providing customized support to meet the participants’ needs. Participants shared best practices, successes, and failures to learn from each other and fully benefit.

This project received funding from the State Opioid Response (SOR) grant through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This project concluded in September 2024.